Sunday, November 28, 2010

To believe a thing impossible is to make it so.

To believe a thing impossible is to make it so.
There's nothing I can do about it.
Nothing is going to help.
Nothing I do seems to work.

Ever hear someone making these pitiful excuses about why he or she didn't get the job done? Maybe even uttered these phrases yourself on occasion? Most of us have. After all, it's easy to throw up your hands or throw in the towel when the going gets a lot tougher than tough.

Rather than continuing to fight the seemingly impossible fight, we start believing that it's not possible, it's not workable. That there's nothing we can do about it. So we give in, we give up. And we end up doing nothing.

Or do we?

"Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."

If you think about it, there is no such thing as doing nothing. We're always doing something. Even when we're supposedly doing nothing, we're doing something. Maybe we're wasting our time. Maybe we're twiddling our thumbs. Maybe we're spinning our wheels or running in place, going nowhere fast.

But we're still doing something.

Maybe we're not doing something that produces positive results. Maybe we're not doing something that makes a difference. Maybe we're not doing something that moves us in the direction of our dreams.

But we're still doing something.

So if we're always doing something, shouldn't we be doing something we need to be doing, something we like to be doing? Shouldn't we be doing something amazing, something remarkable, something that makes a difference in our lives and those all around us?

You bet we should.

"With practice and focus, you can extend yourself far more than you ever believed possible."

I know life can prove a bit challenging on occasion. And life can sure toss us a few curveballs every now and then as well. Life can be demanding, demeaning and downright difficult. It can be grueling. It can be taxing. It can push us right to our limits and beyond. Life can be many of these things and more, but life is never impossible.

Each of us has an intrinsic desire to make something happen, a built-in need to succeed. We were born to win, to achieve, to make our lives the fantastic journeys they deserve to be. There is something inside of us that desperately needs to be doing something amazing, something exciting; something that sets our world on fire.

This need to create a life filled with extraordinary, energizing, electrifying moments is indelibly etched into our DNA. It's what we're all about. That's why doing nothing, being nothing and accomplishing nothing just doesn't cut it.

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible."
"Nothing is impossible to the man who will." By constantly striving to do our very best, we can work the unworkable, attain the unattainable and achieve the unachievable. By demonstrating the will to do whatever it takes to get the job done, whenever it's needed, we can forever vanquish impossibilities from our lives.

With the right mind-set firmly entrenched, a steely resolve that simply refuses to accept impossibility, nothing is beyond our reach or outside our realm of possibility. With hearts set afire with indefatigable desire, there's nothing on earth that can keep us from living our dreams. When we know what we want and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there, nothing is impossible.

Nothing whatsoever.

The Bottom Line: Nothing is impossible for the willing heart.

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